Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New to Offensive Sundries? - Read On!

Welcome to my domain. (Well... Google probably owns this domain but you get the picture) In reality some of you may not find this blog site all that offensive, unless your opinion differs from mine, in that case this site will probably live up to its name. This site does contain my opinions as they fall unsuspectingly upon my QWERTY keyboard (I mean c'mon who uses a DVORAK layout these days?). This site does NOT reflect the opinions of any of the peoples, companies, organizations, bodies, clusters, parties, small mammals, scary lawyers, or innate objects of anything mentioned herein. These are MY random ramblings and all those above mentioned groups can feel free to continue paying money to keep their trademarks, copyrights, brand names and other properties (including intellectual property) to themselves and hopefully we can live coexistingly in peace like good communists aspire to do. Most of this blog relates to items touching upon electronics and technology, automobiles, and the odd 'here and there' of current events. I hope you enjoy musing over all this text and posting any comments or corrections as you desire. Have fun and blog on!
-The OS staff (which consists of me)

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